Issue #138

Chiara Tilesi

La Sognatrice

Chiara Tilesi is an Italian film producer with a philanthropic outlook. She is the founder of the nonprofit film production organization “We Do It Together”, whose purpose is to produce films, documentaries, and other media forms dedicated to the empowerment of women, by telling their stories. We Do It Together will establish a new cultural paradigm promoting gender equality in the film industry, and shift the prevailing imbalance until society will embrace and adopt a gender blind approach.

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What do you do in your life (work and fun)?

I’m a Film Producer, founder of We Do It Together, a nonprofit film production company that produces film by women, about women but for everyone. I like to eat Italian food, which I’m extremely good at, dance and sing, which I’m a bit less good at…..

What made you leave Italy and chose LA?

My passion for films. I came to Los Angeles to study films at the Loyola Marymount University, where I graduated.

Please share your best memory in the City.

When for the first time I saw the Ocean, its immensity, power, and stillness were impressive, and in net contrast with the chaos of the city.

What made you choose this specific location and outfit?

I love trees. I often go there to meditate. I feel their energy, and they give me peace.

Your thought about this project, ITALIANY.US

A great idea. A great way to discover people’s life, passions and dreams. A way to connect with each other’s dreams, and learn more about Italian culture.

How would you describe being an ambassador of the Italian style/culture abroad?

I feel very proud to be an Italian and very lucky to be an ambassador. What else can I ask for?

  • Los Angeles, CA


  • Time

    300 mins

  • Shots


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A visual celebration of Italians working, living and loving in NY and in the US