Issue #9

Patrizia di Carrobio

La Diamantaia

Patrizia di Carrobio nasce a Montreal da genitori italiani e vive tra Milano, Roma, Bruxelles e Londra prima di arrivare a New York nel 1980. New York viene scelta perche’ unico posto al mondo dove una donna che vuole lavorare nel campo dei gioielli ha qualche chance di riuscire. Done deal, in materia di pietre preziose e gioielli Patrizia e’ oggi un autorita’: una delle prime donne banditrici d’asta di Christie’s, dove in poco tempo e’ diventata “Head of the Jewelry department”, per poi lasciare nel 1991. Da allora commercia in diamanti, pietre preziose e gioielli vintage dal suo ufficio nel Diamond District. Ha scritto due libri Diamanti (2010) e Conoscere i Gioielli (2011). “New York mi da energia e positivismo, mi fa sentire che qui tutto e’ possibile” dice la di Carrobio, amante della musica e una grande curiosa della vita, organizza negli sprazzi di tempo che le concede il girovagare il mondo alla ricerca del prossimo acquisto, concerti e incontri mondani a casa sua, che oltre il suo piacere hanno lo scopo di trasmettere anche agli altri il concetto di “everything is possible”.

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What do you do in your life (work and fun)?

I am a precious stones and vintage jewelry merchant. I love music and meeting new people.

What made you leave Italy and chose NYC?

I chose New York because it is the city where everything is possible, you breathe it and live it every day, it gives me endless energy and enthusiasm in what is possible.

Please share your best memory in the City.

September 11, it is not my best, but it is when I realized how supportive and present we New Yorkers are in each other’s lives.

What made you choose this specific location and outfit?

The location is for me the symbol of many worlds and the cross of them: 47th street on one side, the heart of the diamond district, very buzzing, almost like a souk. Rockefeller Center on the other side – established, secretive, quiet. As always in NY a great mix.

Your thought about this project, ITALIANY.US

I love the acronym. The project is to the point, we have the privilege of living the best of both worlds and even of the entire world. Our background mixed with endless possibilities creates miracles and dreams fulfilled.

How would you describe being an ambassador of the italian style/culture abroad?

I am proud of being Italian and love to be a spokesperson for my country simply in my way of being and living my life. I am happy to inspire others and it is one of my objectives.

  • Manhattan, NY


  • Time

    120 mins

  • Shots


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A visual celebration of Italians working, living and loving in NY and in the US