Issue #93

Vladi Delsoglio


I follow a intrinsic desire to express myself through the manipulation of forms and thoughts, ideas and emotions. Born and raised in Torino, I dwell in LA and am a lucky guest of this world. I studied Computer Visual Art/Media Design and worked in several cool media companies, then established my own: Amarcore Studio Design and then back to work as Creative Director for amazing companies. Teaching Interaction Design at the Art Center of Pasadena allows me to enter one of the pinnacles of American design. I happily work at Social Reality as Creative Director.

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What do you do in your life (work and fun)?

Working is fun for me. I am a Creative Director in digital advertising company thus I create amazing marketing project all day, everyday. I also ride a Ducati Streetfighter, I build muscles cars from ground up and on Sundays I go surfing with friends. I don’t do meditation but I cook when I want to be in peace with myself.

What made you leave Italy and chose Los Angeles?

A woman. I came here in LA to visit a woman I was in love with. My intention was to stay in LA for 2 weeks, a summer time vacation but then the last day on my way back to the airport I lost the flight. I thought it was a good sign to stay a little bit longer. It was 1998 and I never left.

Please share your best memory in the City.

Every memory is the best. If it sticks in your brain then is unforgettable. Among all of those amazing memories 2 in particular I like to recall when I chat with my friends in Italy: when I served dinner to Marlon Brando in a restaurant in Bel Air (1999 circa) and when I worked for the Vasco Rossi Video “Il mondo che vorrei”2008 circa. We were in a roof top in Downtown, around 6pm, a beautiful red sunset over our heads and my favorite Italian rockstar, since I was a teenager, was singing in front of me at literally 2 blocks from where I live. It was an intense experience.

What made you choose this specific location and outfit?

I’ve chosen Downtown LA because it reminds me the industrial vibe of my own town in Italy: Torino. I was raised 3 bloocks from Lingotto, Fiat headquarter, a very industrial and old architecture area. I am totally in love with Downtown LA 1920s buildings. They are powerful, beautiful and imperial, like my town Torino.

Your thought about this project, ITALIANY.US

Now that is not anymore ONLY about Italians in NYC I would change the name to VIP, Very Italian Persons.

How would you describe being an ambassador of the italian style/culture abroad?

I am addicted to beauty, it’s inside my DNA just because I was born and raised in Italy. I feel lucky to be able to recognize beauty and to share with people around the world. Every Italian should give back to the world what it means to be born and raised in a country like Italy that it detains 60% of the art and culture of the world and it is small like California. Not bad at all.

  • Los Angeles, CA


  • Time

    150 mins

  • Shots


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A visual celebration of Italians working, living and loving in NY and in the US