Issue #161

Daniela Rambaldi

La Nostalgica

Her story begins in 1969 in Rome, but soon she moves with her family to Los Angeles, where she grows up immersed in the Hollywood scene thanks to her father Carlo. From a young age, she shows a passion for fashion and graduates as a stylist from the Accademia d’Alta Moda e Costume in Rome. From there, she starts her career in the world of design, first working in a bridal wear company and then establishing her own brand, DARĂ . Over time, she becomes a mother of five children and, recently, a grandmother, continuing to balance her life between the United States and Italy. In addition to her career in design, she dedicates much of her time to the Carlo Rambaldi Foundation, promoting her father’s artistic heritage. Her passion for social causes drives her to be active in raising awareness against violence towards women and in protecting children. In addition to this, she is known for her ability to organize cultural, educational, and artistic events that enrich the community in which she lives.

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What do you do in your life (work and fun)?

I enjoy working! I’ve learned that if you don’t find pleasure in what you do for a living, you risk making your story boring to tell your grandchildren. I do what I’m most passionate about, following my inclinations. Since I was a child, I loved coloring and designing clothes, so I chose to become a fashion designer. As an adult, I discovered a strong maternal sense within me, so I became a mother to 5 wonderful children. When my father passed away, I realized the importance of his role in the film industry, so my brother and I created the Foundation dedicated to him. I believe that work should be fun, as well as rewarding. If you can turn your passions into work, you’ve hit the jackpot. Of course, work often presents challenges and problems to solve, but I always try to create interesting and fun opportunities. Fortunately, creative jobs offer this possibility. When I want to relax, I like to “get lost” in childhood memories, arranging photos in albums and engaging in manual activities like sewing and painting. And now, I’m having fun spoiling my first grandchild, Kyle!

What made you leave Italy and chose Los Angeles?

The move from Rome to Los Angeles wasn’t my decision. I was still very young when my parents relocated to Los Angeles for work reasons. Los Angeles marked my childhood and adolescence, but I didn’t always find happiness in living there. Instead of simply calling it a city, I would consider it as a vast expanse of territory that can only be fully appreciated if you have a car; it’s not a city that you can easily live in relying solely on public transportation. Every time we returned to Italy for holidays and I saw my peers freely moving around Rome, I felt a certain sadness upon returning to Los Angeles. However, everything changed when, at 16, I got my driver’s license: it was then that my perspective on this fascinating city completely shifted.

Please share your best memory in the City.

It’s difficult to select just one memory among many, but if I have to choose one, I definitely think of the moment when I experienced the frenzy and excitement of my father’s announcement of winning the Oscars. I vividly remember those evenings: the atmosphere charged with emotion, the growing anxiety as the crucial moment approached, and finally the explosion of joy and pride when my father’s name was called on stage. It was an unforgettable experience, a moment of glory that left an indelible mark on my memory. Those moments represented not only my father’s professional success but also a moment of sharing and celebration for our entire family. They were moments that confirmed my father’s hard work and dedication in his field, and they inspired me to pursue my goals with determination and passion.

What made you choose this specific location and outfit?

The Paul Getty Museum represents not only a physical space of modern architecture but also an important chapter of my childhood. It’s my father’s favorite place, a location where his passion for art and culture poured out. He was fascinated by the endless collections, by the artworks that spoke to his sensitive soul. He often brought me here, eager to let me breathe in that atmosphere of creativity and beauty, especially because the city where we lived at the time lacked all of this.

Your thoughts about this project, ITALIANY.US

The project we’re discussing is truly extraordinary. It’s an initiative that goes beyond merely leaving a tangible trace; it will be a living testimony of the people and characters who animate cities around the world. This project involves individuals with a wide range of talents and skills, ready to engage not only on the professional front but also in the most personal aspects of their lives.
Participation is an opportunity to share one’s stories and leave a lasting impact on the community. Through this project, the diversities and peculiarities of each individual are celebrated, creating a rich and vibrant mosaic of human experiences.

How would you describe being an ambassador of the Italian style/culture abroad?

The role of ambassador is a privilege that I accept with great pride and humility. Being called to represent Italian style and culture abroad is a task of immense importance and significance. It’s a responsibility that I take very seriously, as I understand the importance of conveying the essence and heritage of my homeland to the fullest.

  • Los Angeles, CA


  • Time

    320 mins

  • Shots


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A visual celebration of Italians working, living and loving in NY and in the US